TM Luthfi Yazid
TM Luthfi Yazid ( Managing Partner )
LuthfiYazid弁護士は、1993年にGajah Mada大学法学部を卒業(法学士)して、弁護士としての業務を開始しました。また、2002年には英国Warwick大学にてLL.M(法学修士)を取得し、2011年には学習院大学法学部で客員研究員として日本法の研究を行っており(1年間)、豊富なインドネシアにおける実務経験と国際的感覚を兼ね備えた弁護士です。同弁護士は、これまでに多くの日系企業のインドネシア進出を支援した実績を有し、またインドネシアでの法的紛争、撤退、労働争議、行政折衝などにおいて、在インドネシア日系企業を法的に支援しています。
He holds Sarjana Hukum/LL.B. (University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta), LL.M (University of Warwick, School of Law – United Kingdom). Mr Luthfi is a professional lawyer and has been recognised in developmental field such as the LEAD Program in which he is a fellow of the LEAD Program based in New York and London (1994 to present). He has published numerous articles in a wide range of publication and has been a speaker for international seminars. He started his legal career as an assistant to Prof. Iur. Adnan Buyung Nasution, PhD (during his period as a chairman of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation, 1992-1993), lawyer at Indonesian Centre for Environmental Law (ICEL), and subsequently moved into commercial law practices at various law firms.
He assisted various foreign companies, including Japanese companies, for their investment in Indonesia, real estate development, general corporate matters, liquidation of local subsidiaries, dispute with local partners, etc. In the legal practices he has been involved in handling civil and criminal matters. He was appointed by the Minister of Labor and Manpower as their legal counsel. He also handled the criminal case for one of the biggest mining companies in Indonesia.
He has attended various advanced training/course programs and legal research such as in Costa Rica, 1994, Thailand, 1995, Zimbabwe, 1996, training on Alternative Dispute Resolution, Boulder, USA, 1995, training and course on intellectual property rights law, The Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, India, 2000 and in the University of Technology Sydney, 2000 andComparative Study on Legal and Judicial System in Japan, conducted by JICA and United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Preventing of Crime and Treatment of Offenders (UNAFEI), Osaka and Tokyo 2003, Comparative Study on Court Connected Mediation, Osaka, 2005, 2006 and labor law research in Doha, Qatar, 2005. He was granted the British Chevening Award in 2001 sponsored by The Foreign Commonwealth Office. He was also invited by Gakushuin University in Tokyo as a Visiting Scholar (2010-2011) and has been invited as a international speaker at various universities in Japan and Midland China in 2010 to 2011.
Advocate and Admitted to Bar